Wolf Edlund, P.C. represent victims and their families who have been catastrophically injured or killed by a Semi-truck collision.
Big 18-Wheeler Tractor Trailer Rigs can be found in increasing numbers on every highway in the United States. When transportation companies decide to put profits ahead of safety, these rigs pose huge risks to e and can be deadly.
Each year, Semi-trucks account for a significant number of highway deaths and other catastrophic injuries. Commercial trucking companies are required to follow strict federal rules to increase safety and drivers are required to have special training.
To make a quick profit and lower costs,
You can see why big rigs cause so much death and destruction.
If you have been seriously injured or a loved one has been killed in an 18-Wheeler collision, contact us immediately.
1701 N. Market Street, Suite 210
Dallas, Texas 75202
United States
Local: 214-346-5355
Fax: 214-346-5909
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